Healthy Diet for SEX
Eating the right food boosts your stamina for sexual activity. It increases happy hormone serotonin, which increases your sex drive. It finally kicks the ‘Love Hormone: OXYTOCIN’ that creates healthy and positive feelings of intimacy in a relationship.
- Sprouts (preferably eat raw) अंकुर चना, मुंग आदि मोड आलेले कड धान्य (कच्चा)
- Green leafy vegetables. हरि पत्ती कि सबजीयां
- Pulses are a rich source of protein. A mix of various proteins combines to give first-class proteins, that is proteins with all essential amino acids, just as in meat.
- Fresh fruits ताजे फल (केला, चिकू, आदि)
- Raw vegetables like carrot, cucumber have fresh vitamins and nutrients that are easily digestible.
- Soya (Nutrela) सोया न्यूट्रेला
Chunks Soya has the highest protein content, almost double than that of meat. It is available as ‘NUTRELLA’.
Soya 100 g contains:
Energy value 336 kcal
Protein 54.2 g
Fat 0.4 g
Carbohydrate 28.9 g
Calcium 533 mg
Iron 21.2 mg

Protein Content
The following consumable products have the mentioned percentage of protein.
Milk 4 %
Wheat 12 %
Egg 14 %
Meat 22 %
Soya 52 %
So choose whichever you like and have a proper food intake.
What is beneficial for sex?
The simple dictum is: What is good for the body is good for sex.
It is also true that what is not good for the body (alcohol/tobacco) is not good for sex