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Samadhan Health Studio

Dr. Ashok Koparday
Dr. Hetal Gosalia

Dr. Ashok Koparday | Dr. Hetal Gosalia

Healthy Diet for SEX

by SexBlog

Eating the right food boosts your stamina for sexual activity. It increases happy hormone serotonin, which increases your sex drive. It finally kicks the ‘Love Hormone: OXYTOCIN’ that creates healthy and positive feelings of intimacy in a relationship.

  1.  Sprouts (preferably eat raw) अंकुर चना, मुंग आदि मोड आलेले कड धान्य (कच्चा) 
  2. Green leafy vegetables. हरि पत्ती कि सबजीयां
  3. Pulses are a rich source of protein. A mix of various proteins combines to give first-class proteins, that is proteins with all essential amino acids, just as in meat.
  4. Fresh fruits ताजे फल (केला, चिकू, आदि)
  5. Raw vegetables like carrot, cucumber have fresh vitamins and nutrients that are easily digestible.
  6. Soya (Nutrela) सोया न्यूट्रेला
    Chunks Soya has the highest protein content, almost double than that of meat. It is available as ‘NUTRELLA’.

Soya 100 g contains:
Energy value 336 kcal
Protein 54.2 g
Fat 0.4 g
Carbohydrate 28.9 g
Calcium 533 mg
Iron 21.2 mg

बेस्ट सेक्स पावर कमजोरी का घरेलू इलाज बिना दवा 5 FOODS SEX POWER STAMINA sexologist Mumbai

Protein Content

The following consumable products have the mentioned percentage of protein. 

Milk 4 %
Wheat 12 %
Egg 14 %
Meat 22 %
Soya 52 %
So choose whichever you like and have a proper food intake.


What is beneficial for sex?

The simple dictum is: What is good for the body is good for sex.

It is also true that what is not good for the body (alcohol/tobacco) is not good for sex