About Us
Samadhan Health Studio has been serving since 1991 in the feild of sexual health counselling, psycho-sexual therapy, relationship management and family life counselling. Meet Dr. Ashok Koparday and Dr. Hetal Gosalia, the #1 sexologists in Mumbai.
Our Mission
At Samadhan Health Studio we endeavor to empower movement of mammoth nature in India with a belief that India needs sex education more than just degrees of literacy and accurate information rather than myths. Hence we forged and fostered this site for you, not for our profits.
Our Doctors
Practicing as a team of sexologists in Mumbai, the stronghold in the medical field has not only drawn in patients from in and around the vicinity but from across the city as well. The determination stems from sheer passion to offer patients healthier living options.

Dr. Ashok Koparday
M.B.B.S from King Edward Memorial
Fellow: C.S.E.P-(International)
Member: Indian Medical Association
Accreditation: M.M.C of India
Ex. Teaching Faculty: Seth G.S.Medical College, King Edward Memorial, Grant Medical College, Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals.

Dr. Hetal Gosalia
B.H.M.S from Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic Medical College, Mumbai.
Honoured as member to the Council of Sex Education & Parenthood (International)
100% Privacy
All that you share with us, stays between us
Senior MALE and FEMALE Sexologists under one roof
Strict Prior Appointments
Except some emergency
Experienced Doctors
Practicing sexology since 29 years in Mumbai
Professional & Friendly
Talk to us as if you are talking to your friend but we assure you 100% professionalism
Family Concern
Cared not just for your concern but that of your family too
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