My Doctor Tells

Mumbai’s #1 Sex Health Clinic

Samadhan Health Studio

Dr. Ashok Koparday
Dr. Hetal Gosalia

Dr. Ashok Koparday | Dr. Hetal Gosalia


ज्यादा प्रिकम ज्यादा प्रीकम निकलना अच्छा लक्षण है| Chip chipa pani jaisa sex ki uttejana aaney par nikalta hai woh precum. प्रिकम Precum bimari nahi hai. सेक्स की उत्तेजना शुरु होते हि जो चिपचिपा, पानी जैसा लि‌क्विड लिंग से निलने लगता है उसे प्रिकम कहते है. यह सेक्स...

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धात rog हमेशा के लिए ठीक होना हो तो ध्यान से पडना   धात (semen) किसे कहते है? Dhat ladka yuva hone lagta hai tab banana shuru hota hai. Dhat nikalnay kay kewal 3 raste hai. सेक्स = योनी मैथुन हॅन्ड प्रॅकटिस = हस्त मैथुन नाईटफ़ॉल = स्वप्न मैथुन मेडिकल साइंस कहता...

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Dhatu Rog

Dhatu Rog Pareshani 100% Cure    धातु रोग के बारे में सब कुछ यंहा बताया है। यंहा जो बताया जा रहा है वह अन्य किसी वेबसाइट पर नहीं मिलेगा। यंहा बताये हुए इलाज का खर्चा झिरो है।   Yanha aap yeh padoge: Test: Pariksha One: Bina Dawa ka kudrati ilaj Two: भारतीय...

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लिंग लंबा बडा मोटा करने का विश्वास का तरिका मेरा लिंग छोटा है। बच्चों जैसा है। बिना साइड इफेक्ट की दवा बताना?” यदि आप के मन में यह बात है तो आप आगे पढ़िए।   लिंग में जभी तनाव नहीं रहता तब लिंग हर किसी का छोटा ही होता है। जिस तरह आपके दो हाथ, दो पैर, दो कान, नाक...

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How to cure Premature Ejaculation - Shigrapatan शीग्रपतन :: Shigrapatan   SEX TIPS by Sexologists for her orgasms Best foreplay Art of Making Love Trust Talk Touch Techniques – Giving Face Sex Giving face with tongue, cunnilingus or eating pussy blasts a female...

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नाइटफॅाल हा आजार नाही परंतू वयात येण्याचे लक्षण आहे. ज्या प्रमाणे दाडी मिशी येउ लागते त्या प्रमाणे सिमेन (वीर्य) बाहर पडायला सुरू होतं. नाइटफॅाल १००% नैसर्गीक आहे नाइटफॅाल शुभ लक्षण आहे   जरी वरचेवर, कमी वयात किंवा खुप प्रमाणात नाइटफॅाल झाले तरी ते अपाय कारक...

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Masturbation is most healthy natural and safe way of enjoying sex without the partner. It is the journey of exploring self with fantasies and erotic moods. In country like India, whose roots of sex are in ‘kamasutra’ says masturbation is safest and best way to fullill...

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Wrong Diagnosis of ED

The young man wrongly labels himself having difficulties in erection without any organic illness when he: is unable to get adequate tightness in the penis to perform intercourse. fails to maintain his erection during foreplay or on change of position. loses erection...

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What is MUSE? MUSE stands for ‘Medicated Urethral System for Erection’ What is its use? It is used in men having Erectile Dysfunction to get erections in cases where he doesn't respond to oral tablets like Viagra or Cialis. How is it used? The medicine is a small...

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Vacuum Device

What is a vacuum device? The vacuum device is a treatment method for Erectile Dysfunction. Who can use the Vacuum device?People with Erectile Dysfunction who do not prefer oral medication or are advised against taking PGE 5 inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil,...

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What is ESWT? ESWT stands for ‘Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy’ What is the use of ESWT? These shockwaves have been found to cure Erectile Dysfunction when given to the penis. What does it consist of? ESWT consists of giving shockwaves to the penis. These shockwaves...

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Side Effects of ED Medicines

Erectile Dysfunction Medicines Side Effects  (Viagra Sildenafil Cialis Tadalafil). These side effects are not yet listed in textbooks.  You won’t find it on other web sites.  They are not mentioned in prescription information as a warning. These dangers are based on...

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Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin. It is not necessary even if foreskin or prepuce, is not fully retractable. Most people whose prepuce is not fully retractable have normal sexual functions.  The intact (uncircumcised) foreskin is the way a baby is...

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Paraphimosis is a condition where the foreskin when pulled behind, stays back like a constricting band, and even on pushing towards the tip of the penis, it does not cover the glans of the penis. In other words, paraphimosis is when the foreskin or prepuce of the...

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1. What is phimosis? A condition in which the foreskin of the penis cannot be retracted fully on erection or even when not erect is called phimosis. 2. How common is phimosis? Phimosis is a common and relatively normal condition in babies and young children until...

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Masturbation for Women

Self-pleasuring takes you in an internal journey From CURIOSITY to TRUTHFrom PLEASURE to FULFILLMENTFrom DESIRE to COSMIC BLISSFrom KNOTS to CLEARING OF EMOTIONAL BLOCKSFrom DIRTY to WORSHIP OF BEAUTYWhat is masturbation?Masturbation is an authentic expression of life...

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Pregnancy, a condition awaited by some and avoided by the rest. Getting pregnant and having a baby is one of the most adored phases of life, but it’s the best of things to happen at the right time and the right place. Getting pregnant for a woman is best suggested...

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Bleeding Pain First Sex

The first sex can be tricky, scary, confusing. At the same time, the thought of having first penovaginal sex is very exciting for you and your partner. Both the male and the female energies will be pounding to be one. The dream of every human being of loving, kissing,...

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Sticky liquid coming out during sexual arousal is Precum. It is natural and beneficial for the sex act. Excess release of precum, colloquially known ‘chip chippa paani’ does not cause any harm. It may or may not contain sperms. What is Precum?Precum  (pre-ejaculatory...

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Masturbation for Men

Masturbation is a normal process of the human body. It does not cause any harm to the penis. It is 100% safest way of enjoying sex. It prevents Sexually Transmitted Diseases. No medicines are needed for its treatment.Biological Explanation of MasturbationThe sexual...

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Wake Up Men – Size Doesn’t Matter

An increase in penis size does not increase women's pleasure. Ian Kerner is a sex counselor in New York, author of “She Comes First” She says, “For guys who are too big for their partners, oral or vaginal sex can be difficult.” “When it comes to penis size, being...

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Penis Size

The man's psyche is penis centered, whether he is in his 20’s or in the 70’s. He may feel the penis is small or has reduced in size. It is the key element of a man’s self-esteem. They may be proud of it, ashamed of it, anxious about it, or have mixed feelings about...

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Nightfall is uncontrolled ejaculation of semen during sleep. It is absolutely normal and physiological for males during teenage and early adult years. It is the most innocent way of the body making its orgasmic call. It may or may not be associated with sexual arousal...

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Healthy Diet for SEX

Eating the right food boosts your stamina for sexual activity. It increases happy hormone serotonin, which increases your sex drive. It finally kicks the ‘Love Hormone: OXYTOCIN’ that creates healthy and positive feelings of intimacy in a relationship.  Sprouts...

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Kegel Exercise

Kegel Exercise strengthens Pubococcygeus Muscle hence they are also called Pubococcygeus Muscle Exercises. Kegel Exercises tones pelvic floor muscles and adds fitness to it, hence also called as Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises. This is also called as Perineal Muscle...

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12 Love Sutras

Get out of routine life. Go for outings, and just you two. Stay away from each other at least for a few days. Angry? Hurt? Glad? Don’t suppress it. Express at the right time, in the right way. Say, “I feel hurt /angry/glad when ______ happened?” A woman likes when...

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Vaginismus is silent suffering where sex is not happening. It is understood by a few, hardly expressed and approached for, but the fact lies it is curable to the core. Are you a couple who is newlywed, who cannot have sex. Are you a couple unable to consummate and...

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Health Meter

Health Meter is a useful tool to find out how your health is. How stressed out you are? Are you avoiding sex? Or do you simply don't get aroused for sex? Here is a list of questions that will help us to access your emotional well-being.QuestionsPlease answer a Yes OR...

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Pre-marriage Sexual Anxiety

Pre-marriage counseling helps the man, woman, or even the couple to achieve their aspirations and lead to healthy sexual relationships. The key to a happy married life is ‘Trust’ and ‘Respect’. It is no more ‘I’ and ‘YOU’ in the relationship now it is all about ‘US’....

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Unconsummated Sex

The man and woman in love after having all the fun and foreplay indulge in the act of inserting the penis in the vagina. But, something goes wrong and they are unable to have intercourse. Even after repeated attempts, they fail. In the married couple, even years after...

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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, the condition experienced by a few, but misinterpreted by the majority. ED is more of the mind and less of the penis in the youth, so it is curable to the core. Whereas medicines may be needed for 40+. Are you a man losing erection when you try...

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Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation, the condition experienced by a few, but misinterpreted by the majority. Sex is more of satisfaction, than of the duration or the number of thrusts. Are you a man who ejaculates within a few seconds of insertion of the penis in the vagina? Or are...

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ज्यादा प्रिकम ज्यादा प्रीकम निकलना अच्छा लक्षण है| Chip chipa pani jaisa sex ki uttejana aaney par nikalta hai woh precum. प्रिकम Precum bimari nahi hai. सेक्स की उत्तेजना शुरु होते हि जो चिपचिपा, पानी जैसा लि‌क्विड लिंग से निलने लगता है उसे प्रिकम कहते है. यह सेक्स...


धात rog हमेशा के लिए ठीक होना हो तो ध्यान से पडना   धात (semen) किसे कहते है? Dhat ladka yuva hone lagta hai tab banana shuru hota hai. Dhat nikalnay kay kewal 3 raste hai. सेक्स = योनी मैथुन हॅन्ड प्रॅकटिस = हस्त मैथुन नाईटफ़ॉल = स्वप्न मैथुन मेडिकल साइंस कहता...

Dhatu Rog

Dhatu Rog Pareshani 100% Cure    धातु रोग के बारे में सब कुछ यंहा बताया है। यंहा जो बताया जा रहा है वह अन्य किसी वेबसाइट पर नहीं मिलेगा। यंहा बताये हुए इलाज का खर्चा झिरो है।   Yanha aap yeh padoge: Test: Pariksha One: Bina Dawa ka kudrati ilaj Two: भारतीय...


लिंग लंबा बडा मोटा करने का विश्वास का तरिका मेरा लिंग छोटा है। बच्चों जैसा है। बिना साइड इफेक्ट की दवा बताना?” यदि आप के मन में यह बात है तो आप आगे पढ़िए।   लिंग में जभी तनाव नहीं रहता तब लिंग हर किसी का छोटा ही होता है। जिस तरह आपके दो हाथ, दो पैर, दो कान, नाक...


How to cure Premature Ejaculation - Shigrapatan शीग्रपतन :: Shigrapatan   SEX TIPS by Sexologists for her orgasms Best foreplay Art of Making Love Trust Talk Touch Techniques – Giving Face Sex Giving face with tongue, cunnilingus or eating pussy blasts a female...


नाइटफॅाल हा आजार नाही परंतू वयात येण्याचे लक्षण आहे. ज्या प्रमाणे दाडी मिशी येउ लागते त्या प्रमाणे सिमेन (वीर्य) बाहर पडायला सुरू होतं. नाइटफॅाल १००% नैसर्गीक आहे नाइटफॅाल शुभ लक्षण आहे   जरी वरचेवर, कमी वयात किंवा खुप प्रमाणात नाइटफॅाल झाले तरी ते अपाय कारक...


Masturbation is most healthy natural and safe way of enjoying sex without the partner. It is the journey of exploring self with fantasies and erotic moods. In country like India, whose roots of sex are in ‘kamasutra’ says masturbation is safest and best way to fullill...

Wrong Diagnosis of ED

The young man wrongly labels himself having difficulties in erection without any organic illness when he: is unable to get adequate tightness in the penis to perform intercourse. fails to maintain his erection during foreplay or on change of position. loses erection...


What is MUSE? MUSE stands for ‘Medicated Urethral System for Erection’ What is its use? It is used in men having Erectile Dysfunction to get erections in cases where he doesn't respond to oral tablets like Viagra or Cialis. How is it used? The medicine is a small...

Vacuum Device

What is a vacuum device? The vacuum device is a treatment method for Erectile Dysfunction. Who can use the Vacuum device?People with Erectile Dysfunction who do not prefer oral medication or are advised against taking PGE 5 inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil,...